In addition to this we have added a number of exciting new features such as Autosuggest, Streetside imagery and many business intelligence tools.. Watch the announcement made at the Microsoft Build conference Rich new features In addition to modernizing our web map control by moving to HTML5, we have added a number of powerful new features.. • GeoJSON Support – Easily import and export GeoJSON data, one of the most common file formats used for sharing and storing spatial data. Dev C Online

In addition to this we have added a number of exciting new features such as Autosuggest, Streetside imagery and many business intelligence tools.. Watch the announcement made at the Microsoft Build conference Rich new features In addition to modernizing our web map control by moving to HTML5, we have added a number of powerful new features.. • GeoJSON Support – Easily import and export GeoJSON data, one of the most common file formats used for sharing and storing spatial data. e828bfe731 Dev C Online

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Unduh Javascript Example Api Bing Maps